15 Types of Coffee Drinkers and Their Personalities

The deeper one gets into drinking coffee, the more likely they are to eventually land in one of several categories of coffee drinkers.

After you move away from the casual coffee drinker and start tinkering with different flavours, you may be surprised by all that’s out there. Coffee isn’t just for the early morning moments anymore! There is so much more to coffee culture, from the emotions and sentiments it conjures up to the many different ways it can be prepared.

Here are some of the types of coffee drinkers you may find yourself becoming.

Type #1: Morning Routine Coffee Drinkers

Most people think starting your day with coffee is the best. It’s relaxation, solitude, and energy-building. This is where a lot of us fall on the spectrum of types of coffee drinkers.

Type #2: DIY Coffee Drinkers

A do-it-yourself coffee drinker treats their kitchen like a lab and wants to learn how to make coffee perfectly themselves. They may be grinding their beans, advanced at making coffee art, and constantly exploring new techniques.

Type #3: Quick Coffee Drinkers

Some coffee drinkers are on the go and don’t care about bean type, price, or where it comes from. Just give them their coffee so that they can get going. A quick coffee drinker can still savour a mug, but they aren’t going to think much about coffee beyond that.

Type #4: Black Coffee Drinkers

Pure black coffee, you’ve got to love it. Some believe this is the proper way to consume coffee. They won’t take sugar, cream, or anything else offered. They just want their strong, black coffee, and that’s a fine way to drink it!

Type #5: Coffee Researchers

While you already have your experts, you have a lot more people learning about new coffee trends and exploring new cafes in their area, and they might even have a coffee subscription box set up. Researchers are lifelong students of the coffee game, perpetually curious about what’s ahead.

Type #6: Habitual Coffee Drinkers

This type of coffee drinker does it out of habit, going to a local coffee spot or brewing coffee from a subscription service they’re registered to. It’s a part of their day, but they don’t necessarily need it or crave it per se. For these people, coffee is just a nice way to relax.

Type #7: Decaffeinated Coffee Lovers

You may enjoy the taste of coffee but don’t want the caffeine effects. That’s alright! The decaffeinated coffee lover isn’t interested in making any converts but often just wants an occasional cup to sit quietly with, sip quietly, and chat with a friend.

Type #8: Coffee Addict

Some people can’t seem to put a cup of coffee down. They always have a cup within arm’s reach. These people can consume 4-6 cups of coffee daily or sometimes more. It helps them function, keeps them productive, and is a part of their daily wants and needs.

Type #9: Social Coffee Drinkers

A person who enjoys having a coffee and a chat uses it socially as a conversation opener. It’s the perfect drink to treat a friend, share with a family member you haven’t seen, or introduce yourself to a date.

Type #10: Coffee Cravers

You may crave coffee and only have a cup when you truly crave it. Hey, that’s okay! Especially if you’ve had to back away from coffee due to anxiety or a health issue, it doesn’t hurt to go a little more casual with it, grabbing a cup only when you can’t handle that craving anymore.

Type #11: Athletic Coffee Drinkers

An athletic coffee drinker is a person who is using it for energy. They want to boost their metabolism and mood, increase brain alertness, and do so with as few calories as possible. They may have weight loss goals or be dedicated gym-goers motivated to use coffee strategically throughout the day.

Type #12: Instant Coffee Drinkers

Many argue that instant coffee is barely coffee. Yet, so many consume it daily. Some aren’t remotely interested in learning about brewing or milk frothing. They just want to boil their water, open some instant coffee, mix it, and take it down. It smells like coffee. It tastes like coffee. That’s good enough for them to consume.

Type #13: Coffee Experts

We all know a coffee expert. They may even be a bit ‘much’ to listen to. Connoisseurs of coffee are highly knowledgeable about different types of coffee and can lecture you on everything from how the bean is cultivated to how a cup is brewed.

Type #14: Coffee Brand Loyalists

You may strictly drink a specific brand, and that’s it. That’s loyalty. After finding the perfect cup of coffee, you may not have a reason to tamper with your newest habit.

Type #15: Incredibly Specific Coffee Drinkers

You may order a coffee and give them a list of how you need it prepared. If this is you, you’re an incredibly specific coffee drinker. You may want to mix different flavours, substitute sugars, have a milk substitute, and have more instructions to share with your barista.

Sandra is the Head Writer at Boldface News. A huge animal lover, she's a proud mother to two rescue dogs and one fiercely independent cat. Her hobbies include reading, writing, cooking, knitting, and dancing like nobody is watching.
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