The Beginner’s Guide to Dark Spots vs Acne Scars

Dark spots and acne scars are probably the worst nightmare for anyone’s face, while they shouldn’t be. Dark spots occur when some skin parts appear darker than others due to irregular melanin production. On the other side, acne scars result from acne inflammation.

While both skin issues don’t hurt, they cause mental and emotional discomfort to the victim, especially when they occur on the face and other external body parts. If you have fallen victim to acne scars and dark spots, there’s nothing much to be worried about. You should know you’re beautiful just the way you are. You can also prevent dark spots or acne scars by improving your daily habits. Start by taking a balanced diet, watching your make-up products and routine, and seeking acne scar treatment Toronto.

Additionally, you should learn the differences between acne scars and dark spots. Here is a beginner’s guide to dark spots vs acne scars:

Dark Spots vs Acne Scars

Besides the definition, there are plenty of features to distinguish dark spots from acne scars. The former usually lies above the skin, while acne scars have the probability of running deep into the skin. It depends on the original acne’s size if not managed or cured.

Additionally, acne scars appear dark or brown, while dark spots vary in appearance depending on the victim’s skin complexion. Other differences can be pointed out by causes, treatment, and prevention for each issue.

Dark Spots Causes

Dark spots can occur due to several reasons, such as:


Also known as sunburns, liver spots, or solar lentigines. The sun can also trigger the development of dark spots on people’s skin after being exposed for long hours.

Sometimes, one can suffer from dark spots when areas not covered by garments are exposed to the scorching sun, creating a disparity to their counterparts in the long term. Body parts vulnerable to dark spots from sun spots include the hands, arms, or face.

Hormonal Changes

Dark spots mainly occur in women, especially during pregnancy, due to various hormonal transformations.

Pigmentation Disorders

Pigmentation disorders such as albinism, melasma, or vitiligo can cause dark spots. Dark spots from these conditions are harmless but must be managed or cured equally.

Effects from certain drugs and medication

Dark spots can also occur due to using certain drugs and meditation, such as NSAIDs and psychotropic drugs.


Dark spots can also sprout due to skin inflammation, especially from acne, eczema, and other skin issues.


Diabetes can trigger some areas of the skin to become darker than others due to the conditions associated with the disease, such as diabetic dermopathy.

Acne Scars Causes

Acne scars can occur due to several reasons, such as:

Genetic Factors

Some cases of acne scars can be associated with genetic factors, although no specific genes have been pointed out to cause the issue. Genetic acne scars call for little attention due to the complexity of the matter.

Late, poor, or lack of acne treatment

Failure to treat acne or treat them in its latest stage can lead to the development of acne scars. Similarly, poor treatment of acne scars, such as using creams without a doctor’s prescription and over or under-dosing, can also generate acne scars for the victim.


Most allergy conditions use the skin as the ground for revealing themselves to the world. When the skin reacts with an allergen, irritation is the most immediate effect, followed by itchy rashes, which later develop into acne scars after inflammation.

Pimple Popping

You had probably popped your pimples even before they matured and later realized dark brown acne on the affected area- an acne scar. Popped pimples also trigger skin irritation around the affected area which may develop into acne scars if not attended to.

Dark Spots and Acne Scars Treatments

Treatment for both dark spots and acne scars are quite similar.

Laser Treatment

Various types of lasers can be used to treat acne scars and dark spots. The most common types include the ablative laser treatment, in which lasers are used to clear the area of skin around an acne scar, creating a fresh layer. You can also use non-ablative laser treatment, where lasers stimulate the development of fresh collagen, which naturally helps repair damaged skin from acne scars and dark spots.

Dermabrasion Treatment

Dermabrasion involves clearing the top layer of skin, the epidermis, by use of a special wire-like brush or lasers. After the process, the victim’s skin appears reddish and sore for several months but transforms with a new and improved look as it heals.

Chemical Peels

The chemical peel technique involves applying a chemical solution above the skin, which peels off the surface, creating a new skin development without dark spots and acne scars.

Skin-lightening Creams

Skin-lightening creams are the most common way of treating acne scars and dark spots. The creams normally work by blending the skin and creating a fresh appearance on the epidermis. Although the results may take months, these creams have proven effective from past user reviews and testimonials. However, ensure you acquire your preferred cream with a doctor’s prescription to avoid unsatisfactory effects.

Sandra is the Head Writer at Boldface News. A huge animal lover, she's a proud mother to two rescue dogs and one fiercely independent cat. Her hobbies include reading, writing, cooking, knitting, and dancing like nobody is watching.
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